National Day of Truth and Reconciliation: Orange Shirt Day Campus and Community Events

Campus Events  

Screening of My Name is Wolastoq 
Wednesday, Sept. 28 at 5:45 pm 
Ted Daigle Auditorium, Edmund Casey Hall 
The School of Education would like to invite students, faculty, and staff to attend a free educational screening of My Name is Wolastoq. The 2022 documentary film details efforts to reclaim the traditional Indigenous name of the Wolastoq (St. John River). The screening will take place Wednesday, Sept. 28 at 5:45 pm in the Ted Daigle Auditorium in Edmund Casey Hall. Donations will be accepted for the Under One Sky Friendship Centre, a local Indigenous non-profit education and advocacy centre. 
Opening Ceremony Recognizing National Day for Truth and Reconciliation   
Thursday, Sept. 29 at 10 am  
Lower Campus Courtyard  
Join the St. Thomas University community to honour and recognize the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Everyone is encouraged to wear orange and join a group photo afterwards. Sponsored by Student Reconciliation Committee. 
Fundraising Sale of Papercut Orange Shirts  
Monday, Sept. 26 to Thursday, Sept. 29 
Sir James Dunn Hall 
We will be selling paper cut-outs in the shape of orange t-shirts, placing them on a mural in JDH and inviting students, faculty, staff, and the public to sign their name on one. We will then display the cut-outs in a public space on campus to show solidarity with those who have been lost to residential and Indian day schools and with those who are still here and have experienced abuse from these institutions. The cost is by donation (whatever each is willing or able to pay). The proceeds will support Under One Sky Friendship Centre, a local Indigenous non-profit educational and advocacy centre. If you are interested in volunteering to collect donations, contact Gage Perley at  
Rock Garden 
Monday, Sept. 26 to Thursday, Sept. 29 
Brian Mulroney Hall - Main Entrance  
The School of Education students at St. Thomas University have gathered rocks to facilitate a painting activity for the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation during the week of Sept. 26-29. Students will have a table set up by the main entrance at Brian Mulroney Hall with paint and brushes. Students are invited to join in small groups to paint their rock for it to be displayed on campus.  

Information Posters/Social Media Matters Campaign 

Monday, Sept. 26 to Thursday, Sept. 29 
Brian Mulroney Hall and 小猪视频 Campus  
September 30 marks that National Day for Truth and Reconciliation which honours the children who never returned home from residential schools, and their survivors, families, and communities. School of Education students have created information posters that will be displayed in Brian Mulroney Hall and around campus. The posters present an opportunity to learn about this important day and the significance of wearing an orange shirt. Spread the message about what Orange Short Day means to you by sharing photos of the posters you see around campus on social media. Tag us @小猪视频_Reconciliation on Instagram.  

Community Events 

Wasisok ‘Ciw Wasisok 
Children for Children 
Wednesday, Sept. 28 at 9 am
Bill Thorpe Walking Bridge, Fredericton

To honour children who were forced to attend residential schools and especially those who never returned home, a healing walk in advance of the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation is planned for September 28 on the Bill Thorpe Walking Bridge beginning at 9 am with a blessing of the bridge. Wasisok ‘ciw Wasisok (Children for Children) is the theme to showcase the power of reconcili-action when our children lead with their hearts. 
Please join Chief Harold Sappier Memorial Elementary school, Monoqonuwicik/Under One Sky Headstart, Kehkimin Immersion school and George Street School as they display unity within diversity to raise awareness for the need to support healing among residential school survivors, descendants and those who now know the truth. These future leaders will meet on the bridge to celebrate and witness enduring cultural pride and to share their art as they gift orange symbols of hope to restore trust and confidence that truth is embedded within the slogan Every Child Matters. Moskey (mohs-gay-in) translates to I am Sorry which will be our gift to survivors and their families. This sentiment requires a pledge that goes beyond words, it requires genuine awareness and knowledge of all harms incited by the residential school experience that continues to haunt Indigenous communities in many ways. 
Our children will be gifting these orange symbols for you to display as a call to action. Please share your orange symbol on your social media platform (#nmoskeyin #askomiw150) to help our children echo their message of hope. If possible, please wear orange to illuminate our partnership to reconcile and to walk for those whose earth walk was stolen. 

Psi-Te Wasis Okimqosu Olotahkewakon Every Child Matters Ceremony  
Friday, Sept. 30 at 2 pm  
Ole Burial Grounds, Old Government House, Woodstock Road  

A Sacred Fire will be ignited at Ole Burial Grounds next to the Old Government House on the Woodstock Road. Water and tobacco will be honoured and shared with all participants. Songs, chants, and words will be shared by designated guests. Everyone is welcome. Komac Woliwon Psi-te Wen.